Quality Policy

【Ⅰ Basic Philosophy】

Nippon Steel Kozai will contribute to society by providing products that are trusted by customers through our commitment to quality improvements.

【Ⅱ Guidelines for Action】

In order to improve customer satisfaction, we respond to the future needs of our customers by deepening our internal and external cooperation, provide products that are trusted for quality-oriented creation, and contribute to the achievement of SDGs.
We comply with standards, customer requirements, compliance and related laws and regulations.
We work toward continuous improvement, including clarification of procedures and reducing risk, to ensure QMS, and maintain and improve its effectiveness.
Set quality goals for customer-oriented manufacturing, and achieve them with everyone's participation.
We will prevent the occurrence of abnormal products and to eliminate claims by developing horizontal cases of quality defects and clarifying and standardizing procedures.
In order to maintain and improve the appropriateness of these, we regularly conduct reviews and improvements as necessary.
We make this quality policy known to all employees and release it to the general public.

January 1, 2023
President and Representative Director
Mitsuo Miyahara

Environmental Policy

【Ⅰ Basic Philosophy】

Recognizing the importance of environmental conservation, Nippon Steel Kozai actively develops environmentally friendly business activities in the manufacture and sale of titanium and stainless steel products to contribute to society.

【Ⅱ Guidelines for Action】


Set environmental targets to reduce impact on the environment, and ensure that EMS is implemented by all participants to attain them, and continuously make improvements. Implement the following matters as a specific policy.

1) We respond to the future needs of society by deepening our internal and external cooperation, and contribute to the attainment of SDGs through environmentally friendly product design, development, and provision (eco-friendly products, products using corrosion-resistant materials). 2) Improve production process management and strive to conserve resources and energy.

Recycle edge materials, scraps, and chips, and ensure green purchases.
Comply with environmental laws, agreements, and the like
Raise environmental awareness by implementing environmental training, enlightenment activities, and risk management, and strive to preserve the environment by improving problem-discovery.
Actively participate in local environment-conservation activities and the activities of various associations and organizations, and contribute to the local community.
We make this environmental policy known to all employees and release it to the general public.

January 1, 2023
President and Representative Director
Mitsuo Miyahara

Labor Safety and Health
Management System

Labor Safety and Health
Management Cycle

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