Company Overview
- Name
- Nippon Steel Kozai CO.,LTD.
- Established
- 1947
- CapitaLization
- ¥320,000,000
- Head Office/Factory
10-29 Kawara-machi,Joetsu Niigata 942-0065
Phone:+81-25-543-3401 Fax:+81-25-543-3044
- Tokyo office
2F, Rondo Nihonbashi Building, 6-16 Nihonbashi Yokoyama-Cho, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 103-0003
Phone:+81-03-4218-2481 FAX:+81-03-4218-2482
- Osaka office
3F, Sumitomo Building No. 4, 4-8-4 Kitahama, Chuo-Ku, Osaka City, Osaka 541-0041
Phone:+81-06-6229-1400 FAX:+81-06-6229-1399
- Employees
- 121
- Site Area
- 52,223㎡
- Building Area
- 14,781㎡
- Business Line
(1) Design, manufacture and sales of products made using stainless steel, heat-resistant steel, titanium and other metals and alloys
(2) Processing of stainless steel materials